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Pomodoro Technique

Pomodoro technique is a time management technique developed by Francesco Cirillo. He is an Italian and the word 'Pomodoro' in Italian meaning tomato. This was due to the tomato-looking timer that Cirillo used during that university time. The main idea behind the Pomodoro technique is that you will work for a concentrated burst of interval time and then take small breaks between them. After some Pomodoro(ideally 4), you will take a long break(30 mins). The working Pomodoro time suggested by Cirillo is 25 mins with a short break of 5 mins. The main benefit of Pomodoro is the better concentration and output. I am a big fan of this method. I tweaked this technique with 50/10 mins time period instead of the usual 25/5 mins. Also, I make sure that I will have self rewards during every break like a minor stretching, walk, snacks, toilet time, etc. Currently, Pomodoro is doing wonders for my self-learning and working sessions. There are some physical benefits also. Previously, I suffered a lot because of back pain.After taking regular interval breaks filled with some minor stretching, I have less back pain and physical discomfort now. Give it a try, it will do wonders for your work sessions.

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