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  • anoopmswork


Recent COVID-19 forced companies even the traditional 'tortoise ones' to adopt work from home. Most of the so-called big companies are reluctant to adopt this WFH model. They give many excuses like they are handling sensitive data, security threats. I can understand that some level. If it a defense, banking, or high-security area, it is ok. But there is still a security threat to work from the office model. Nowadays most of the companies are giving laptops to employees. So if an employee wants to steal or misuse the data, they can still do it. But in the case of open-source projects and companies, work from the home model has many benefits.

1) The best thing is the employee can schedule their routine. If he wants to work in the late night or early morning he can do it

2)Unnecessary meetings and disruptions can be reduced

3)Commuting time and cost can be saved

4)Pursue other interests like fitness, sports, cooking, etc

5)Can Setup his home office(Large monitors, AC, high spec machines, mini bar!!!)

6)Can spend more time with family

7)There are many high-security communication and project management tools now available in the market that help in this remote model. We can even share code or work remotely in other machines

The companies need to trust their employees. They need to check only whether the deliverables and milestones are achieved by their employees without any failure. Some of the high profile companies like Redhat, GitLab, basecamp, etc are big fans of the remote models.I hope more companies will move to remote jobs in the future. The future of work is remote !!

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